Beyond Stigma: How to Take Care of Your Mental Health During National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month

Gray bachground with an African American woman smiling at the camera. on the left of her are the words "Beyond Stigma: How to Take Care of Your Mental Health".

National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month is observed each July to bring awareness to the unique struggles that all communities of color face with mental illness in the United States. With the cultural stigma surrounding mental health care, discrimination, and lack of access to quality mental health care services, it’s more important than ever to recognize and address the unique challenges.  

Our recruiters at KPG Healthcare care about your mental health and if you need any assistance, reach out to your recruiter or anyone on staff. We are always here to help! But if you have other needs or would like to seek more long-term solutions for your mental well-being, below are resources for you to use at your disposal.  

Logo of the National Suicide & Crisis Lifeline with their number to call or text in English or Spanish, 988 in black and white

If you are in immediate distress please call or text the National Suicide and Crisis Lifeline (988), a 24/7 lifeline that provides confidential support to people in suicidal crisis or emotional distress, or 911 

Image of two hands clapsed together forming a heart in black and white with a caption that says "helping your community starts with helping yourself!"
Helping your community starts with helping yourself!

Some great resources for long-term mental health care:

BEAM (Black Emotional and Mental Health) 

“Imagine a world where there are no barriers to Black healing”. That is the world BEAM works to create. They envision a world where there are no barriers to Black Healing dedicated to the healing, wellness, and liberation of Black communities and the intersection of other communities.

They offer training, events, peer-supported spaces, and various wellness tools. There is even a wellness directory to find a virtual black therapist, doula, yoga teacher, mediator, homeopathy, and much more. 

Therapy for Black Men  

Started in New York, this nationwide therapy directory is specifically for Black men and boys who face unique challenges and stigmatization and need a dedicated space for seeking and finding mental health support and targeted resources to strip away stigmatization and ease the process of finding help. Therapy for Black Men offers career counseling, relationship counseling, trauma therapy, and more! 

Therapy for LatinX 

In partnership with MHA and PsychoSocial, it is a database of therapists who either identify as LatinX or have worked in the past with LatinX communities, giving them an understanding of their unique needs and challenges. It works in a similar way to Yelp even providing therapists who work with your insurance! Some of their specific offerings include individual therapy, family therapy, group therapy, couples therapy, sliding-scale therapy, and more! 

The Asian Mental Health Collective 

AMHC aspires to make mental health easily available, approachable, and accessible to Asian communities worldwide. Their work is vital to normalizing and de-stigmatizing mental health within the Asian American and Canadian communities as well as hosting a database of Asian therapists in the U.S. and Canada for your specific needs.

While they host events and offer trainings, their “Lotus Therapy Fund” provides individuals with financial support for the equivalent of 8 therapy sessions on a needs-based first come, first served basis with the goal to make psychotherapy as available, accessible, and approachable as possible to the Asian community! 

The National American Indian and Alaska Native MHTTC 

Funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, NAIAAN MHTTC is a nationwide organization that works with organizations and treatment practitioners involved in the delivery of mental health services to American Indian and Alaska Native individuals, families, and tribal and urban Indian communities to strengthen their capacity to deliver effective evidence-based and experience-based practices.

They offer a wealth of resources, including K-12, Leadership Academy, COVID-19, LGBTQ/Two-Spirit Wellness, Refugee and Asylum Seeker, Provider Well-Being, and more! 

Image of a person hunched over on the right, a string entangled in their mind and hair and a disembodied hand unraveling it on the leftHotlines for peer support divested from police: 


BlackLine (1-800-604-5841)

Provides a space for peer support, counseling, witnessing, and affirming the lived experiences of people who are most impacted by systematic oppression doing so with an LGBTQ+ Black femme lens. Operating since 2017 they are there to answer messages from anyone who may be in crisis, wants to describe an interaction with law enforcement or vigilantes, or simply needs to talk through an experience. 

Trans Lifeline (1-877-565-8860)

Trans Lifeline is a grassroots hotline and microgrants 501(c)(3) non-profit organization offering direct emotional and financial support to trans people in crisis – for the trans community, by the trans community.  They envision a world where trans people have the connection, economic security, and care, everyone, needs and deserves – free of prisons and police. It is guided by the principles of Peer Support, Community Not Cops, Harm Reduction, Confidentiality & Anonymity, Structural not Pathological, Informed Consent, Autonomy & Self Determination, Equity Not Equality, Dismantling White Supremacy, and Financial Redistribution.